Family Pictures

Monday, October 09, 2017
One of the challenges of being our family photographer is actually being in our family photos. Which is why I enlist the experts at least once a year :) Well this year the odds were stacked against us. Our whole family was recovering from a stomach flu and Paige Renae was having major trouble shaking her double ear infections (I mean 3 antibiotics, seriously?). So let's all head to family pictures, halfway sick, while dressed in the cutest fall attire which is entirely wrong for a record breaking HOT October day. Paige cried non-stop for 27 minutes of our 30 minute time block with the photographer. I wouldn't say I cried in the car on the way home, but I was on the edge. 

Fast forward--> The photographer sent over the proofs tonight and the pictures look amazing. I mean she turned lemons into my favorite kind of lemonade. So imagine what she could do with a non-crying baby? Hopefully we'll find out on next years shoot :)

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