The Lizard of Emerald City

Tuesday, January 08, 2019
Ross and I alternate who puts each girl to bed. When it's Daddy's night to put Claire to bed she wants to hear about Star Wars or Star Trek with the Klingons (I had to look that one up). Now she has started saying that she is "Claire from the starship enterprise" :)

Claire and I used to make up a story each bed time, but it's tiring and sometimes we just need a known formula. So I started telling her about the Wizard of Oz. Well last night she kept asking for the "Lizard of Oz" and the "Minions" with a completely straight face. She also wanted to know if the green mean witch had "sprinkles" (aka warts) on her nose and if she could see a picture. 

Yes Claire, let's talk about the Wizard of Oz and those munchkins.


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