
Friday, September 13, 2013
Well, here it goes...

Ross and I are about to join a new kind of club :)

In case you still don't know what I'm talking about:

Meet Sprout! (Ultrasound at 13 weeks). This picture is looking down at the top of the head and getting a wave (or a fist pump) :)

Sprout is expected to arrive March 2014. We are over the moon excited!! We don't plan on finding out the sex until delivery, just for an added surprise. Stay tuned!

Here are some bump pictures; I'm holding the food item the rough equivalent size of Sprout at the time.

I'm 14 weeks, so we'll be getting another picture soon :) It feels so good to finally share our exciting news with you... now I can stop trying to hide it woo hoo!! 

Here were some reactions from my friends after telling them the news:
"Liz, your belly was hanging over the counter. Of course, I knew"
"So, that's why you've been so LAME lately!"
"Your belly has been pushing your shirts out more"
"You just dropped a text message bomb on me!!"
"You always drink wine at girls night, so I knew something was weird when you had water"
"I guessed when you said you were cleaning out your closets, why else would someone do that?"

I had some of the ladies over for dinner and casually said "I'm pregnant!" while we were taking a group photo... (Clockwise from left: Kim, Sierra, Noelle, Emily, Kaity, Me, Kelley, Catherine, oh and Roma).

"Ok, I'm going to hit the remote and we have 2 seconds then it takes the picture. Let's do a practice shot"

"Guess What... I'm ..."

"Pregnant!!!"  (Please look at Catherine in this picture, haha)

"Yep, not joking. For real"


4 years ago: Let's Hunt
3 years ago: Score
2 years ago: Exposure Trick
1 year ago: Birthday Number 1

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