Hanging with Courtney!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013
We had a couple of beautiful, sunny days for Courtney on her visit.  However it was chilly, so our little Nashville visitor could experience the TRUE Alaska :)

Courtney left and it promptly snowed on us.

Beluga Point scenic lookout on the drive south to Girdwood.

We went to Girdwood to hike the Winner Creek trail (relatively flat, with lots of maintained walkways). It was ~5 miles out to the "hand tram" and back. Here's some pictures:

Here's what the Hand Tram looks like. You essentially have to use the pulleys to manually move the little cage across and back. Keep in mind the tram goes over a ravine of rushing water hundreds of feet below...

The ravine.

My adventure seeking husband...

Courtney gave it a whirl too! Roma wanted to get in the cage with her so bad...

4 years ago: Deutschland Countdown
3 years ago: Polar Bears
2 years ago: Crafts & Football
1 year ago: Sheep Hunt 2012

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